

Explore where OpenEMIS is being implemented around the world

OpenEMIS Grenada

With the vision of ensuring universal access to lifelong learning through well-managed and efficient systems for all Grenadian citizens, the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development (MoE) of Grenada implemented the Strategic Plan for Educational Enhancement and Development (SPEED II) 2006-2015.  SPEED II specifically addresses the need for a more comprehensive and effective education management and information system (EMIS), moving away from the old methodology of paper data collection, in order to better monitor and evaluate education sector performance.

In an effort to address this strategic priority, the MoE Grenada piloted OpenEMIS in 2013.  The main goals included: implementing an efficient, cost-effective EMIS where the data is freely available for monitoring, research and reporting; and integrating all education information systems for a robust education decision support system at the national and institutional levels.  The COL (Commonwealth of Learning) Focal Point for Grenada reported that the system has been “a major ICT initiative that is given priority,” and that “in 2013 the OECS (Organization of Eastern Caribbean States) has provided support toward the implementation of a pilot of an EMIS in partnership with Community Systems Foundation (CSF) and UNESCO” (George, 2015, p.42).  CSF has been working with the MoE of Grenada since project inception, focusing on capacity building and technology transfer, with the aim to provide the skills required for full ownership and operation of OpenEMIS by the local staff.  In 2015, OpenEMIS was deployed nationwide covering 1,843 staff in 209 schools.


Stakeholders Topics Time Period
OECS Education, Teacher Absenteeism 2013 – present


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Grenada OpenEMIS Grenada OpenEMIS Core